Conversation Two (in the Desert Odyssey virtual relational platform series) ~ Living in the Everlasting Present
“There is no future!!” someone opined with a sense of deep resignation as the pandemic perpetuates. What this person really meant was that it’s hard if not virtually impossible to plan for the future under the current conditions (even the phrase, ‘virtually’ takes on a new dimension). What then are we to do as we live in what someone described as ‘the everlasting present’?
We are a social species (even the most ardent introvert), and we also (all of us), have a need for some semblance of control. To live in an everlasting present is both unsettling and deeply frustrating. Perhaps this offers us opportunity to go inside when we can’t go outside or go forward. Perhaps we can mine the deeper parts of our hearts in discovering the essence of who we truly are, notwithstanding the social isolation and uncertain future. This, so that when we emerge from this pandemic, we will truly function from the inside out rather than the outside in as we have gotten so used to doing.
• How can I find myself in the desert of the pandemic, in the confinement of my own home?
• What have I/what might I discover about who I really am?